LR-splines  0.5
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #include <iostream>
00003 #include <string.h>
00004 #include <fstream>
00005 #include <sstream>
00006 #ifdef HAS_GOTOOLS
00007         #include <GoTools/geometry/SplineSurface.h>
00008         #include <GoTools/trivariate/SplineVolume.h>
00009         #include <GoTools/geometry/ObjectHeader.h>
00010 #endif
00011 #include "LRSpline/LRSplineSurface.h"
00012 #include "LRSpline/LRSplineVolume.h"
00013 #include "LRSpline/Profiler.h"
00014 #include "LRSpline/Element.h"
00015 #include "LRSpline/MeshRectangle.h"
00017 using namespace LR;
00018 using namespace std;
00020 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
00021 #ifdef TIME_LRSPLINE
00022         Profiler prof(argv[0]);
00023 #endif
00025         // set default parameter values
00026         int p1 = 3;
00027         int p2 = 2;
00028         int p3 = 4;
00029         int n1 = 6;
00030         int n2 = 5;
00031         int n3 = 8;
00032         int it = 9;
00033         int dim             = 3;
00034         bool rat            = false;
00035         bool vol            = false;
00036         char *lrInitMesh    = NULL;
00037         stringstream parameters;
00038         parameters << " parameters: \n" \
00039                       "   -p1    <n>  polynomial ORDER (degree+1) in first parametric direction\n" \
00040                       "   -p2    <n>  polynomial order in second parametric direction\n" \
00041                       "   -p3    <n>  polynomial order in third parametric direction (only trivariate volumes)\n" \
00042                       "   -p     <n>  polynomial order in all parametric directions \n" \
00043                       "   -n1    <n>  number of basis functions in first parametric direction\n" \
00044                       "   -n2    <n>  number of basis functions in second parametric direction\n" \
00045                       "   -n3    <n>  number of basis functions in third parametric direction (only trivariate volumes)\n" \
00046                       "   -n     <n>  number of basis functions in all parametric directions\n" \
00047                       "   -it    <n>  number of evaluation points per element\n" \
00048                       "   -in:   <s>  make the LRSplineSurface <s> the initial mesh\n"\
00049                       "   -help       display (this) help screen\n";
00050         parameters << " default values\n";
00051         parameters << "   -p   = { " << p1 << ", " << p2 << ", " << p3 << " }\n";
00052         parameters << "   -n   = { " << n1 << ", " << n2 << ", " << n3 << " }\n";
00053         parameters << "   -it  = { " << it << " }\n";
00054         parameters << "   -vol = { " << ((vol)?"true":"false") << " }\n";
00056         // read input
00057         for(int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
00058                 if(strcmp(argv[i], "-p1") == 0) {
00059                         p1 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00060                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-p2") == 0) {
00061                         p2 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00062                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-p3") == 0) {
00063                         p3  = atoi(argv[++i]);
00064                         vol = true;
00065                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) {
00066                         p1 = p2 = p3 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00067                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-n1") == 0) {
00068                         n1 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00069                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-n2") == 0) {
00070                         n2 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00071                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-n3") == 0) {
00072                         n3  = atoi(argv[++i]);
00073                         vol = true;
00074                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) {
00075                         n1 = n2 = n3 = atoi(argv[++i]);
00076                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-it") == 0) {
00077                         it = atoi(argv[++i]);
00078                 } else if(strncmp(argv[i], "-in:", 4) == 0) {
00079                         lrInitMesh = argv[i]+4;
00080                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-vol") == 0) {
00081                         vol = true;
00082                 } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-help") == 0) {
00083                         cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << "[parameters] " << endl << parameters.str();
00084                         exit(0);
00085                 } else {
00086                         cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << "[parameters] " << endl << parameters.str();
00087                         exit(1);
00088                 }
00089         }
00091         // do some error testing on input
00092         if(n1 < p1) {
00093                 cerr << "ERROR: n1 must be greater or equal to p1\n";
00094                 exit(2);
00095         } else if(n2 < p2) {
00096                 cerr << "ERROR: n2 must be greater or equal to p2\n";
00097                 exit(2);
00098         } else if(n3 < p3) {
00099                 cerr << "ERROR: n3 must be greater or equal to p3\n";
00100                 exit(2);
00101         }
00103         LRSplineSurface *lrs;
00104         LRSplineVolume  *lrv;
00105         LRSpline        *lr;
00107         if(lrInitMesh == NULL) {
00108                 // make a uniform integer knot vector
00109                 double knot_u[n1+p1];
00110                 double knot_v[n2+p2];
00111                 double knot_w[n3+p3];
00112                 for(int i=0; i<p1+n1; i++)
00113                         knot_u[i] = (i<p1) ? 0 : (i>n1) ? n1-p1+1 : i-p1+1;
00114                 for(int i=0; i<p2+n2; i++)
00115                         knot_v[i] = (i<p2) ? 0 : (i>n2) ? n2-p2+1 : i-p2+1;
00116                 for(int i=0; i<p3+n3; i++)
00117                         knot_w[i] = (i<p3) ? 0 : (i>n3) ? n3-p3+1 : i-p3+1;
00119                 // create a list of random control points (all between 0.1 and 1.1)
00120                 int nCP = (vol) ? n1*n2*n3 : n1*n2;
00121                 nCP    *= (dim+rat);
00122                 double cp[nCP];
00123                 int k=0;
00124                 for(int i=0; i<nCP; i++) // 839 as a generator over Z_853 gives a period of 425. Should suffice
00125                         cp[k++] = (i*839 % 853) / 853.0 + 0.1;  // rational weights also random and thus we need >0
00127                 // make two spline objects
00128                 if(vol) {
00129                         lrv = new LRSplineVolume(n1, n2, n3, p1, p2, p3, knot_u, knot_v, knot_w, cp, dim, rat);
00130                         lr  = lrv;
00131                 } else {
00132                         lrs = new LRSplineSurface(n1, n2,    p1, p2,     knot_u, knot_v,         cp, dim, rat);
00133                         lr  = lrs;
00134                 }
00135         } else {
00136 #ifdef HAS_GOTOOLS
00137                 ifstream inputfile;
00138       ;
00139                 if(!inputfile.is_open()) {
00140                         cerr << "Error: could not open file " << lrInitMesh << endl;
00141                         exit(3);
00142                 }
00143                 Go::ObjectHeader head;
00144                 Go::SplineSurface *ss = new Go::SplineSurface();
00145                 Go::SplineVolume  *sv = new Go::SplineVolume();
00146                 inputfile >> head;
00147                 if(head.classType() == Go::Class_SplineVolume) {
00148                         vol = true;
00149                         inputfile >> *sv;
00150                         lr = lrv = new LRSplineVolume(sv);
00151                 } else if(head.classType() == Go::Class_SplineSurface) {
00152                         vol = false;
00153                         inputfile >> *ss;
00154                         lr = lrs = new LRSplineSurface(ss);
00155                 }
00156 #endif
00157         }
00158         lr->generateIDs();
00161         // ---------------- Do evaluation on known elements  --------------
00162         vector<vector<double> > result;
00163         vector<double> pt;
00164         int maxDerivs = max(p1,p2);
00165         if(vol) maxDerivs = max(maxDerivs, p3);
00166         maxDerivs -= 2;
00167         char string[256];
00168         bool firstPrint = true;
00169         for(Element *el : lr->getAllElements()) {
00170                 double u = (el->getParmin(0) + el->getParmax(0))/2.0;
00171                 double v = (el->getParmin(1) + el->getParmax(1))/2.0;
00172                 double w = (vol) ? (el->getParmin(2) + el->getParmax(2))/2.0 : 0.0;
00173                 for(int i=0; i<it; i++) {
00174                         {
00175                         PROFILE("w/id basis");
00176                         if(vol)
00177                                 lrv->computeBasis(u,v,w, result, 0, el->getId());
00178                         else
00179                                 lrs->computeBasis(u,v,   result, 0, el->getId());
00180                         }
00181                         {
00182                         sprintf(string, "w/id %d derivs", maxDerivs);
00183                         PROFILE(string);
00184                         if(vol)
00185                                 lrv->computeBasis(u,v,w, result, maxDerivs, el->getId());
00186                         else
00187                                 lrs->computeBasis(u,v,   result, maxDerivs, el->getId());
00188                         }
00189                         if(firstPrint && i==0)
00190                                 cout << "w/id derivs result size: " << result.size() << " x " << result[0].size() << endl;
00191                         {
00192                         PROFILE("w/id point");
00193                         if(vol)
00194                                 lrv->point(pt, u,v,w, el->getId());
00195                         else
00196                                 lrs->point(pt, u,v,   el->getId());
00197                         }
00198                         {
00199                         PROFILE("wo/id basis");
00200                         if(vol)
00201                                 lrv->computeBasis(u,v,w, result, 0);
00202                         else
00203                                 lrs->computeBasis(u,v,   result, 0);
00204                         }
00205                         {
00206                         sprintf(string, "wo/id %d derivs", maxDerivs);
00207                         PROFILE(string);
00208                         if(vol)
00209                                 lrv->computeBasis(u,v,w, result, maxDerivs);
00210                         else
00211                                 lrs->computeBasis(u,v,   result, maxDerivs);
00212                         }
00213                         if(firstPrint && i==0)
00214                                 cout << "wo/id derivs result size: " << result.size() << " x " << result[0].size() << endl;
00215                         {
00216                         PROFILE("wo/id point");
00217                         if(vol)
00218                                 lrv->point(pt, u,v,w);
00219                         else
00220                                 lrs->point(pt, u,v  );
00221                         }
00222                 }
00223                 firstPrint = false;
00224         }
00226 }